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The Deep Water Bible Study Workbook is available on Amazon.  Purchase the workbook and you will find a $50 discount code on the back cover to apply towards the selected purchase of the accompanying video series. 

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Healthy Starts Here

Showing the Way, Where There Seems to Be No Way

My Journey...

Meet Donna and Daryl Cappon

“You have acute mercury poisoning”…the words of my doctor rang in my ears as my husband and I sat stunned and confused.  I had been struggling with complete exhaustion, swollen and puffy, yellow eyes and skin, weight gain and severe migraine headaches. The imitrex I was taking barely touched the level of the pain I was experiencing with the frequent migraines and the chelation IV’s  I was taking twice a week left me lying on the couch to recover for the next full day. 

Meet Daryl and Donna
Why Essential Oils

Why Essential Oils?

It can help with


It’s time to let go of the bacteria-free ideal that commercials and product labels 

have told us to pursue. Gut healing efforts should, first and foremost, consider the importance of our microscopic partners in wellness. essential oils and supplements specifically targeted for your unique digestive needs.


A way to help relieve or prevent fatigue is by using essential oils. Different oils bring different benefits—they can be used to boost energy levels, calm the mind, or create a relaxing environment for a peaceful night of rest. In addition to a healthy lifestyle, essential oils can help you feel more energized to take on the day.

Women's Health

When the endocrine system is not balanced, organ functions are disrupted.  Essential oils hosts a large variety of powerful hormone balancers which can bring to you a recovering night's sleep along with vitality and energy for your day.

Weight Loss

Your success at losing weight will largely depend on how well you do activities that encourage the three "B"s.  Burn more calories and enhance metabolism.  Balance blood sugar, emotions, appetite and cravings.  Build cellular health and energy.


With all the harmful chemicals put in the foods we eat and the ground they're grown in, detoxification becomes a necessary ingredient to everyone I come in contact with for proper digestive health.


Reducing stress in your life can greatly enhance the ability for your body, soul and mind to thrive at optimal levels.  Schedule an appointment with me to learn how to reduce stress in your life.

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The Deep Water Bible Study Workbook is available on Amazon.  Purchase the workbook and you will find a $50 discount code on the back cover to apply towards the selected purchase of the accompanying video series. 

Essential Oil Infused Body Butter


Products and Services

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Walking with You on Your Journey to Health and Wellness

Donna has taken all she has learned on her Essential Oil journey and compiled her years of research and experiences and shares it with you in a 9-week academy lesson series.  Offered here are various session plans combining the 9-week curriculum lessons with personal one-on-one coaching with Donna culminating with a detailed, personal health and wellness protocol fine tuned to your individual needs.

Healthy Starts Here
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6461 Usborne Rd,

Freepoort, MI 49325

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© 2022 Vitality Freedom Life

We do want to be perfectly clear...  the statements made on this web site or in any literature or presentations have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  Essential oil' products are not intended to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any disease. The information on our web site, in literature, and in presentations is not intended as medical advice and is not intended to replace the relationship you have with your primary healthcare provider. Any decisions you make about your food or supplement choices should be made with the one-on-one help of a qualified healthcare provider. If you have a medical condition, see your physician of choice before starting this program.

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