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Deep Water Bible Study
A Bible Study for Women

Deep Water Week 1 Intro

Deep Water Week 1 Intro

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Several years ago, I was taught a simple principle to enable me to receive a personal prophetic word from the Father each morning. This simple, yet profound process of listening to His voice and following His direction, has not only completely changed my life, but the lives of my entire family!

I am passionate about sharing this simple, powerful, life changing principle to equip you with specific steps to take your relationship with our Heavenly Father into a deeper intimacy than you have ever experienced before!  This six week video bible study (2-introductory videos and 30 daily videos), with accompanying workbook, will take you through all the lesson material the Lord gave to me to instruct women to dive deeper into their relationship with their heavenly Father.

Thank you for joining me as we go into the Deep Water of understanding of how much God loves us.

Blessings... Donna Cappon

Buy the book - get $50 discount off the video series

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The Deep Water Bible Study Workbook is available on Amazon.  Purchase the workbook and you will find a $50 discount code on the back cover to apply towards the selected purchase of the accompanying video series. 

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